Pastor’s Page

St. Matthew’s does not have a called pastor at the moment.  Upon the retirement of our former pastor, we are engaged in a search process.  In the coming weeks and months we will be listening to the congregation and discerning where we are being called as a congregation.  In the interim, we will have regular pulpit supply from the Rev. Patricia Ludwig and several other retired UCC ministers in the Western Area, including some of our own members who are retired pastors.  Pastoral care will be provided by the Rev. Paula Gustafson.  Please contact the church office if you wish to communicate a pastoral need.

As St. Matthew’s prepares to call a new pastor, please pray for the search committee and the whole congregation that we might be led by God to find the person who will be best suited to help lead us in the ministry God has called us to undertake.

A prayer for our search committee and congregation:

Come Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts and minds of your servants on the Pastoral Search Committee of St. Matthew’s United Church of Christ. Give them grace to lead this congregation in self-examination, that we may have the courage and honesty to remember who we have been, and the vision and openness to see who you are calling us to be. And give them the wisdom and grace to see what sort of leader we need in the next pastor and teacher of St. Matthew’s. Give them the grace to ask, so that the right leader may be given to us; and the vision to seek, so that the right pastor may be found. And as we walk together in these months of transition, may we trust in your love and goodness, knowing that you are present in every step that leads us into the future you are preparing for St. Matthew’s; in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ we pray.  Amen.

You can see videos of recent services on St. Matthew’s YouTube channel.